New here? Read this first.

It’s never easy for me to sit and write down what I am thinking or feeling. I am much more of a talker or inward thinker when it comes to stuff like this. I don’t journal. I have never been able to keep up with a diary. I am no writer. But I feel that for my own personal struggle that I should write about what’s going on here, about the way I am feeling, about how God is working in me. Maybe these words will help someone else with their struggle. Maybe what I am dealing with allows someone else to deal with their own stuff, knowing that they are not alone. Maybe God is working on them too. So let me preface by saying, I am not looking for a pity party. I don’t want to have the mentality of “woe is me”.  But prayer partners would be an exceptional gift. That’s all I ask from you the reader. Read my story. Pray with me. Let me know what I can pray for you about too. And I am always open to making new friends. J

It’s been almost 25 years now that I have dealt with weight issues. It’s been seven years now since Kris and I said “I Do”. It’s been four years now since I took my last little contraceptive pill.

The Weighting (and waiting!):

I have been on fad diets. I have been on exercise routines. I am now using Weight Watchers.

You know how they say “When you can’t stand something any longer, that’s when you will change it.”? That’s. Me. Right. Now. 

4 Baby:

I have always been the ‘mother’ in the group. Oldest of 4 kids. Protector. Nurturer. And I have always wanted children. My husband, Kris, and I have been trying for children for four years. Most of that time was ‘it’ll happen when it happens’ but now we are VERY ready. However, my body disagrees. I am very overweight. And I have been struggling with it my whole life. Up and down the scale.

Here’s the deal: I don’t want to be overweight and get pregnant. I want to have a very happy and healthy pregnancy. But I also don’t want to be having a Geriatric pregnancy (over 35) either. Then the chance of dealing with health problems really goes up. Doctors say that I should have no problem conceiving except for my weight. So if that’s truly the case (I only say ‘truly’ because I know MANY obese women with children and the docs don’t want to look into my issue any further until I lose pounds), then I really want to get rid of the weight!

So, this is where I am at. Follow me on this journey if you like. If you are facing a similar situation as me, then I encourage you to get yourself as healthy as you can, as soon as you can.

Peace & Love, 
